The Blazers Game Theory

Since Jade has started growth hormone therapy, I thought now would be a good time to talk about why we originally decided against it. It’s kind of a crazy story, but let me preface with with the fact that our original notions about it were uneducated and based on hear say as opposed to actual …

The Results Are In!

Hi We have received various results and diagnoses for Jade throughout the past few months, but we needed to go over all of it with the doctors and process things before we shared everything. In fact there’s still upcoming things we are monitoring, testing for and more appointments lined up, but I just wanted to …

Standing With You

In honor of national infant loss awareness month I wanted to share a little more about a loss we experienced after having our miracle baby Jade.  After the horribly traumatic pregnancy We had with Jade, Jeff and I decided we didn’t want to have any more children for a long time. So when my doctors …

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